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  1. 英文房子的装修风格?


1. Contemporary: This style is characterized by its clean, minimalist lines and use of modern materials like glass, steel, and concrete.

2. Traditional: This style is characterized by its classic, timeless design elements like ornate details, rich textures, and warm colors.

3. Rustic: This style is characterized by its natural, raw materials like wood, stone, and brick, and its cozy, warm ambiance.

4. Industrial: This style is characterized by its raw, unfinished look, exposed brick and ductwork, and use of raw materials like metal, concrete, and reclaimed wood.

5. Mid-century modern: This style is characterized by its sleek, futuristic design elements, clean lines, and use of modern materials like plastic, metal, and glass.

6. Bohemian: This style is characterized by its eclectic, free-spirited design elements, use of vibrant colors and patterns, and mix of vintage and modern pieces.

7. Coastal: This style is characterized by its light, breezy design elements, use of natural materials like wood and sea grass, and calming color palette of blues and whites.

8. Farmhouse: This style is characterized by its rustic, homey design elements, use of natural materials like wood and stone, and cozy, lived-in ambiance.

9. Scandinavian: This style is characterized by its simple, functional design elements, use of light colors and natural materials like wood and leather, and minimalistic approach.

10. Art deco: This style is characterized by its glamorous, sophisticated design elements, use of bold colors and geometric shapes, and luxurious materials like marble, brass, and velvet.

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