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本篇文章给大家谈谈培训学校幼儿英语试讲,以及幼儿英语教师试讲视频对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 今天给各位分享培训学校幼儿英语试讲的知识,其中也会对幼儿英语教师试讲视频进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!

  1. 小学英语面试各个课型试讲模板?




Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is [teacher’s name], and I am very happy to be here with you today. Today, we are going to learn some English together. Let’s start with a little introduction about ourselves.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is [teacher’s name], and I am your English teacher. I come from [teacher’s home town/city], and I have been teaching English for [number of years] years. I really love teaching because I enjoy seeing my students learn and grow. Now, it’s your turn to introduce yourself. [Call on each student to introduce themselves].


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about sports. Can anyone tell me what sports they like to play? [Allow time for students to answer].

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to sports. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “What’s missing?” I will show you a picture with some of the vocabulary words we just learned. You will look at the picture for a few seconds and then I will cover it up. You will then have to tell me what word is missing from the picture. [Display the picture and cover it up after a few seconds. Allow time for students to identify the missing word.]


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about the weather. Can anyone tell me what the weather is like today? [Allow time for students to answer.]

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to the weather. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Hot and Cold.” I will think of a word related to the weather, and you will have to guess what word I am thinking of. If you are getting closer to the word, I will say “hot.” If you are getting further away from the word, I will say “cold.” [Think of a word related to the weather and allow students to guess until they get the right word.]


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about animals. Can anyone tell me what their favorite animal is? [Allow time for students to answer.]

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to animals. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Animal Charades.” I will describe an animal without saying its name, and you will have to guess what animal I am talking about. [Describe an animal without saying its name and allow students to guess until they get the right animal.]


Good morning/afternoon, class. Today, we are going to talk about food. Can anyone tell me what their favorite food is? [Allow time for students to answer.]

Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to food. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]

After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “Guess the Food.” I will describe a food without saying its name, and you will have to guess what food I am talking about. [Describe a food without saying its name and allow students to guess until they get the right food.]



1. 故事类课型试讲模板:

Step 1. 自我介绍和引入故事:介绍自己的姓名、年级、毕业院校及参加此次面试的原因,接着可以引入故事,例如:今天我给大家带来一篇名叫《小红帽》的故事。

Step 2. 故事讲述:用简单生动的语言讲述故事情节,并在适当的时候诱导学生进行互动,例如问一些问题,让学生进行回答。同时,注意掌握语音语调和情感的变化,以使讲述的过程更生动有趣。

Step 3. 问题提问:在讲述故事的同时,可以适时提问一些关于故事的细节,使学生更好地理解故事。

Step 4. 总结故事内容:在故事讲述结束后,可以对故事情节进行简单总结强调故事的主题和重要性。

2. 单元主题课型试讲模板:

Step 1. 自我介绍和引入主题:介绍自己的姓名、年级、毕业院校及参加面试的原因,接着可以引入本次课程的主题,例如:今天我们要讲解的主题是“家庭”。

Step 2. 课堂讲解:在引入主题后,可以进行课堂讲解,讲解相关的单词、短语和句子,并适时对语音语调和情感进行调整。

Step 3. 课堂练习:在讲解后,可以进行课堂练习,例如:学生进行朗读、听写、造句等。

Step 4. 总结课程内容:在练习结束后,可以对本次课程的主题进行总结,强调本次课程的重要性,并对其他相关的课程进行简单介绍。

3. 性格培养课型试讲模板:

Step 1. 自我介绍和引入主题:介绍自己的姓名、年级、毕业院校及参加此次面试的原因,接着可以引入性格培养的主题,例如:今天我们要讲解的是如何培养勇气。

Step 2. 性格培养讲解:表达自己对勇气的理解,并适时讲解相关单词、短语和句子。

Step 3. 课堂互动:进行互动讨论,例如:引导学生表达自己对勇气的理解和体验。

Step 4. 总结课程内容:在讨论结束后,总结本次课堂的主题和重点,并引导学生思考如何在日常生活中运用所学到的知识。



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